"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Our culture contends that truth does not exist or is unknowable. The disintegration of our society resulting from the application of this position makes it apparent that truth is essential to our well-being.
Scripture provides us with the primary source of truth, and in God’s design of life we also can discern truth by applying reason to empirical evidence. For example, the math tables, though not found in Scripture, provide us with valuable truth, as do many other observations related to our world. Both Scripture and empirical evidence require careful study. People have made serious errors and drawn wrong conclusions from both sources.
The objective of this blog is to provide insights from both these sources, primarily from Scripture, which I have worked hard to evaluate in order to assure that what I am writing is true. It is my hope that these truths provide help and add value to your life.
Paul Brownback graduated from West Point, has a Master of Divinity from Talbot Theological Seminary, a Master of Human Relations from University of Oklahoma, and a PhD from New York University. He has served as a pastor, counselor, and Bible college president. He produces video podcasts on scriptural, social, and political issues.